In the past 15 years baits have become one of the most frequently used formulations/products for controlling cockroaches. Baits have proven to be efficient and effective at controlling cockroaches in commercial and residential settings.

As with most products, over-utilization of a bait without a long-term strategy can lead to product failure. In the case of cockroach baits, using the same bait matrix for an extended period can lead to unacceptance of the bait by cockroaches. This is known as behavioral resistance or bait aversion.

To avoid this, we recommend that you rotate bait matrices at least twice a year, however, more is probably better. Four rotations a year is probably the gold standard but the ability to do so will be dependent on an organization’s operational capabilities. For larger pest management companies, four rotations a year might not be feasible.

Another potential form of bait resistance is physiological resistance. In baits, physiological resistance generally refers to resistance to the bait’s active ingredient. Currently most available data does not support the existence of frequent physiological resistance to cockroach baits. However, rotating both the matrix and the active(s) (specifically the mode of action) is not a bad idea. Doing both, if possible, would offer the maximum amount of protection from both forms of bait resistance.

See tips and tricks for cockroach baiting in MGK’s YouTube video:

Additional Resources:

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