Tobex® Multi MoA Concentrate

Use Sites

Animal Premise, Food-Handling, Indoor, Outdoor, Perimeter



Tobex® Multi MoA Concentrate is a highly effective insecticide with its powerful combination of a synergist, IGR, knockdown agent and long-lasting insecticide all in one product with controlled-release technology. Including multiple actives that eliminate the need to mix products, which enhances efficacy and saves you time.

Primary Uses

  • Ants*
  • Spiders**
  • Crickets

*Pharaoh, Carpenter, Harvester and Fire
**Black Widow and Brown Recluse

View All Pests

Features & Benefits
  • Convenient all-in-one product
  • Kills listed flies and mosquitoes
  • Kills adult and larvae darkling beetles
  • Dual modes of action
  • Contains NyGuard® IGR
  • Controlled release technology

Tobex® FAQs

  • 1-quart bottle
  • 1-gallon bottle
  • 2.5-gallon bottle
  • 30-gallon drum

Please contact your distributor for availability.

Tobex® is a great option for outdoor insect control. In dairy and beef cattle facilities, Tobex® could be utilized for fly control when applied to fly resting and breeding areas like walls and manure pits. Not only does Tobex® provide superior litter beetle control, but applications to litter barns, exterior walls, and premise areas keep filth flies under control as well.

Insect growth regulators (IGR) aim to keep insects in the immature stage, killing them before they reach adulthood. The IGR in Tobex® is pyriproxyfen, a juvenile hormone mimic that keeps insects in an immature stage. When used to control litter beetles or flies, mealworms and maggots may appear larger and more robust than normal.

Learn more in our Blog about IGRs

Each active ingredient in Tobex® is included so that broad insect control in a variety of situations is achieved.
• Prallethrin is a knockdown pyrethroid and is included to provide immediate results.
• Lambda-cyhalothrin is a pyrethroid that is microencapsulated to extend the residual effects to provide long-term control.
• The active ingredients are synergized by piperonyl butoxide to fight any insecticide resistance, speeding up delivery of the pyrethroids to the insect’s nervous system.
• Pyriproxyfen rounds out this solution by providing control in all insect life stages for more complete control.

For listed crawling insects, such as litter beetles, mix 2-4 fl. oz. of Tobex® per gallon of water for every 1,000 sq. ft. For listed flying insects, such as flies and mosquitoes, mix 1-2 fl. oz. of Tobex® per gallon water for every 1,000 sq. ft.

*Reference the product label for complete application instructions and use areas.

Rotation of insecticides helps to combat insecticide resistance. A rotation schedule is dependent on several factors, such as application frequency, active ingredient, and target insect biology. In general, aim to use at least two different active ingredient classes per year for litter beetle control. For fly control, plan to rotate insecticide class every 2-3 months.

Tobex® cannot be applied to animals. Do not allow animals to come into contact with such areas until the solution has dried.
