Thank you for joining us at last week’s Global Bed Bug Summit! MGK was pleased to be a gold sponsor of the event and bring some great on-demand educational sessions to you.

MGK's virtual booth at the Global Bed Bug Summit

Our virtual booth had plenty of expert resources and content, like our brand-new CrossFire video, detailing the many features of this leading bed bug product.

Our videos and other great resources can be found on our Bed Bug Resources page. And make sure to check out these brand-new items:

Global Bed Bug Summit Live Sessions

In the general session, Dr. Chow-Yang Lee from University of California, Riverside, presented an overview of insecticide resistance, a growing issue with conventional bed bug treatments using pyrethroids. He touched on the four types of resistance and referenced many resistance studies around the world.

And in a nod to MGK’s leading bed bug product, he acknowledged CrossFire for its inclusion of piperonyl butoxide (PBO), a synergist, which helps combat resistance.

Following the general session, we saw presentations about breaking research in new detection methods and monitoring, new preventive products, best practices for pest control companies and adjustments needed during COVID, as well as bed bug litigation.

Key Conclusions from the Global Bed Bug Summit

Missed the event? Check out these primary takeaways from the Global Bed Bug Summit.

Bed bugs are still a primary pest for homeowners and PMPs

PMPs are servicing fewer hotels, but bed bugs are still prevalent in multi-unit housing. And with people staying home more often, bed bugs have blood meals in ready supply.

And if the amount of academic research into bed bugs is any indication, more education is needed around the biology and behavior of these little hitchhikers. PMPs are very interested in how this research will inform and improve bed bug detection and control.

Monitoring and proactive treatments are essential tools

Early detection of bed bug infestations is critical in saving money and ensuring complete control. Monitoring in multi-unit housing and proactive treatments in hotels have great success rates but have not always been widely adopted. Educate yourself and your company about these methods and see if they can help you manage your resources more efficiently.

Adaptation and breadth are key

Flexibility to a changing environment, while also ensuring comprehensive services, is important right now. Many companies have had success adding sanitation services to their roster. Now might be the time to expand into additional treatment applications or products. And make sure to add products that provide complete solutions, like multiple modes of action, and those that combat resistance.

If you need any pointers, you can get tips and tricks for successful bed bug treatments during the pandemic on MGK’s blog.

As much as things change, they stay the same

Best practices in both bed bug treatment and company protocols are just as important as they were in January of 2020. Companies that develop and enforce reliable standards and protocols, hire the right people, and ensure a customer-centric approach have always been the mark of a successful pest control operation. And that success will continue long after the pandemic passes.

MGK is proud to be an active member of this community. Pest control is an essential service, but just as essential is the connection with one another, even if that’s not possible in person. Thanks to the National Pest Management Association for hosting and coordinating another great virtual event!

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